Sunday, 17 October 2010

Paulette's walk at the Chateau de la Hulpe on Friday 15th 2010

As you can see this is a photo taken at the very beginning of our walk in the property of the Chateau de la Hulpe. The weather was just right: 14 degrees, no wind, no rain, the perfect weather for a delightful walk amongst the autumn colours.

At a certain point, we decided to do something different and try a path we had never taken before, just like a recce and since 'tous les chemins menent a Rome', it took us back to the yellow obelisk with its beautiful view of the La Hulpe castle.
Then on to the rear of the property, before ending at our usual
meeting place "La Taverne de l'Homme Bleu" for a nice chat around a cuppa.

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