Monday 22 June 2009


Hi Walkers,

We are happy to report the results of the money raised by our Charity WIC Walk & Luncheon of 15 May at the home of Christiane C. as well as the sale of Kathleen's cookbook "The Walking Gourmet". To date we have donated 1,209 Euros to WIC for the 2 charities (Grain de Vie and Fondation Belge de Brulures)! This amount can be further broken down into 2 figures - 640 Euros for the luncheon and 569 Euros for the cookbooks/CD's. This latter figure may increase as the last of the CD's are sold. There are many to thank for the success of these efforts but principally to our hostess, Christiane who absorbed all of her costs for the lunch so that all the funds paid by the participants went directly to the WIC charities and to Kathleen who came up with the idea of the cookbook, collected all the recipes and absorbed all of her own expenses in its production so that all procedes from the sale of the printed copies and CD's were donated, also! Without the generosity of these two ladies the figure would be substantially less. Many thanks to all of you, too, who helped out by donating, bringing food, helping out the day of the event, buying the recipe book and contributing your time and attention to make this such a fun occasion. It was a great joint effort.

Fri., 26th : Annual Walkers' Spring Picnic at Watermael-Boitsfort (#6) - lots of fun, bring a dish to share! We start at 11am for this one for the walk followed by the picnic lunch at 12:30.

Mon., 29th - Paulette's Walk - Details to follow

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