Wednesday, 19 March 2008


Dear Walkers,

As you can see from Monday, the 17th’s report on the blog, I feel that after 10 years in the leadership position of the Monday Walks it is time for me to step back. I am not, however, expecting to disappear from the scene myself. On the contrary, I would like to continue to walk, perhaps with what my husband calls the Philosophers rather than the Athletes. I would be very happy to lead the occasional (Monday or Friday) walk, those over the summer holidays when I am here, help with the special occasions which we enjoy so much and give advice or help out generally.

I must have something like a hundred local walks on my shelves – some not suitable i.e. no café! I would be very happy to share with you any of these and go along with a perspective leader to try them out. If no one person steps forward to take over my position Sandy and I are suggesting a leadership of possibly three ladies to work together so that the organisation does not always fall on one person and sincerely hope that most members will learn at least ONE walk that they can offer to lead for the group!.

Sandy is still leading the Friday walkers and we have our WIC Walks founder, Paulette, who will be moving back to Brussels soon. Next year we will celebrate the 20th year of WIC Walking so we have much to look forward to. We still feel that the Walking Group is one of the best activities that WIC offers here in Brussels. Sandy and I are hoping that the enthusiasm of what is now a larger and quite active group with a wide range of ages will mean that the walks will continue with help from many of you … both long time and new members!!! We get to see the beautiful countryside, get some fresh air, sometimes a little rain, have a sociable afternoon and if we have any problems that need solutions there is usually someone with an answer to it. We think that this it is well worthwhile to try to keep both days active!

We will be working on these plans over the coming café stops!
Best wishes to all Walkers,

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