Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Christa and Paulette's walk in Lasne on Easter Monday

Easter Monday was a glorious day. The weather was so warm and pleasant that it could have been summer! Christa came to join us for a very nice walk and invited us afterwards for a refreshing home made drink accompanied by lovely pieces of carrot cake. Many thanks again dear Christa for your ongoing generosity

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Paulette's walk at Château de la Hulpe on Friday 26th April 2019

Lovely day at Château de la Hulpe. The azaleas are beginning to blossom.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Charlotte's walk at Groenendaal on Friday 19th April

The bluebells have appeared in the forest at Groenendaal. Thank you Charlotte for leading a very nice walk.

The walkers were very lucky to see a barn owl on the ground, probably a very young one who fell off  the tree. Let's hope its mother was not too far.

Sunday, 21 April 2019

Paulette's walk in Neerijse on Monday 15th April

We were very lucky on Monday to be able to see the lovely alleys of cherry trees in bloom.
After the walk, we went for a coffee to the tavern Rochus and it was so pleasantly warm that we decided to enjoy our coffee on the terrace:))

Friday, 5 April 2019

Charlotte, Val and Paulette's walk at Rouge Cloître

Beautiful day today at Rouge Cloître! Spring was in the air. Not many leaves on the trees though.